TOP500 Logo Usage

Sites and and publications related to and about the TOP500 project  are welcome to to use the TOP500 logo, as appropriate, to promote their listing in the TOP500 List. Uses that are not permitted include: 

  • Any alteration of the logo (colors, design, proportions, text, etc.)

  • Combining the TOP500 logo with another logo into a single image

  • Commercial uses (placement of the logo on product packaging or items for sale)

  • Use of the logo for purposes other than acknowledging participation in the TOP500 list or referncing the TOP500 List and data.

  • Please note: There are two versions of the TOP500 logo: with and without the claim “The List.”. When using the logo with a height between 7 mm and 15 mm, please use the version without the claim. When using it with a height of 15 mm or more, please use the version with claim. The logo should not be used smaller than 7 mm in height.


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