Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA)/ National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology(QST)

City: Tokaimura
Country/Region: Japan
System Year Vendor Cores Rmax (GFlop/s) Rpeak (GFlop/s)
HPE SGI 8600, Xeon Gold 6248R 24C 3GHz, NVIDIA Tesla V100 SXM2, Infiniband EDR 2020 HPE 100,096 6,162,000 8,439,620
HPE SGI 8600, Xeon Gold 6242R 20C 3.1GHz, Infiniband EDR 2020 HPE 28,240 1,870,730 2,801,410
List Highest Rank Systems
2023/11 128 1
2023/06 103 1
2022/11 94 2
2022/06 87 2
2021/11 78 2
2021/06 66 2
2020/11 45 2